Sunday, October 01, 2006

Anti "American Air" Radio Polluting the Body of Christ & Subversive Faux Publication using Marxist tactic controlling the press & flow of information

Wild Ape
Posts: 3596

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The Utopia of Vilitas part 2---The Guerillas of War Speak
9/30/2006 9:56 AM

General Ursus: Good people of Texas. I am one of the leaders of the revolution to bring back the America we lived in and to restore the Constitution of the United States of America. Many of you asked how someone like Sanctus Vilitas came to power. This is the lesson that all must learn. It is survival to the free society that must be established.

Vilitas came to power by using a Marxist tactic of controlling the press and the flow of information. It works my friends. The theory is simple. Control the information, the language, and you control the masses.

The old television news stations couldn�t control how you think but could change what you think about. If all you get is news about the leader of your country being vile and stupid and evil then the listeners reflect on what they hear. Your mind works like a filing cabinet. It stashes away knowledge and layers itself for use with future knowledge. The old news stations could change public opinion over the long haul by eroding critical thinking and layering it with propaganda. When someone who thinks counter to this mindset there is little to use as evidence because it is suppressed by the news editors. Eventually the majority opinion sees no traction in their voice and is quieted.

Blogging forums are a good example of how it works. When old Threads died a natural death of disinterest or lack of logic to support it faded away and was buried. When the forum changed to where old topics could resurface it controls what people think about and presents an unnatural interest. The same idiot could post a hundred times and that headline could be repeated over and over. Lies can be layered as well using the same anti American �news� as evidence. Vilitas was able to create the illusion of a movement. He was able to create the illusion of a second choice that included serenity and freedom.

But Vilitas has no room for freedom in his Utopia. Gangs of villains run rampant like they do in South America and Mexico because the Confederation is too impotent to enforce things. Confederations are always weak governments. Vilitas demands conformity. He defines truth as �conformity of thought, speech, writing, etc. to objective reality�. But that objective reality isn�t yours, it is his. The only ones who march to his conformity are the citizens he is supposed to be protecting. They have bought the idea that man is a peaceful beast. He has removed our presence from the Middle East and refused to pursue energy sources elsewhere. The result is we now have an economy like Ecuador�s and rampant starvation. Starvation is not �God�s Will�, it is piss poor leadership that comes from Vilitas. I remind you that Sanctus Vilitas has two meanings in Latin. It also means �Worthless Peace�.

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The Utopia of Vilitas part 2---The Guerillas of War Speak Your are currently viewing this message
Wild Ape 9/30/2

Sanctus Vilitas: Subversive, Abortive and "Points of Unity" Yanqui InFIDEL "Gift" in a Trojan Horse

Wild Ape
Posts: 3596

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The Utopia of Sanctus Vilitas--part one (and short) Your are currently viewing this message
9/30/2006 7:48:45 AM

Baltmore: Exhaulted Saint of SPID, Your minions await Your coronation speech at the statue. Is there anything this lowly servant can do for You.

(patting him on the head) Sanitus Vilitas: I like the statue they made of me this time Baltimore. The artist has my protest sign and I am bending a knee to look up at the heavens to beseech Him.

Baltimore: We found that the artist was a former friend of one of the baby killing criminal gang.

Vilitas: He gave me a vapid look purposely to make me look like a moron.

Baltimore: It was based on a photograph but it wasn’t flattering. This one however captures Your Brazilian dancing as well as Your piety. You have a late Elvis Presley look.

Vilitas: It does give me an Elvis quality. See to it this artist is fed. I hate to play favorites but so little food is available to go around and I would hate to see this brave soul starve.

Baltimore: The other countries refuse to submit to Your vision of peace. It seems violence is the only thing they understand.

Vilitas: I do not understand how this could come to be. I am a peaceful nation. It is clear that I am not a threat to anyone. Now these Baby Killers are running amok in my beloved Vatican of the Lady of the Lake.

Baltimore: Many refuse to convert to the One True Faith. Your Opus Dei are requesting they be allowed to use, pardon me Your Worship, violence, in order to get these subversives under control.

Vilitas: I do not order this lightly but it is for their own good. Have you found who might be responsible?

Baltimore: The jews Your worship, no doubt.

Vilitas: It is time I begin His work. It is time that I put and end to feminization, contraception and this neo conservatism. I will put an end to the old regime and reeducate this mass of imbeciles.

Baltimore: I will try to get the power on long enough for You to finish Your speech.
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Re: The Utopia of Sanctus Vilitas--part one (and short)
9/30/2006 10:10:24 AM

HA! :D